Making it happen: aims and key measures


Aim 1: Places to Call Home Programme

We will put wellbeing at the heart of health and social care by embarking on our Places to Call Home programme, increasing access to high-quality housing for the people we support.

We fundamentally believe that the people we support should have a place to call home, and that without somewhere safe and decent to live, we can never achieve our vision of putting wellbeing at the heart of health and social care. There is still an insufficient supply of high quality, fit-for-purpose accommodation for people with disabilities, mental health and age-related needs.

We will:

  • Further develop our in-house housing and property expertise by investing in training, support and resources, including through national forums such as the Chartered Institute of Housing and National Housing Federation
  • Increase our own purchasing power through accessing socially-motivated and other low risk/affordable borrowing
  • Continue to build strategic relationships with trusted partners such as developers, investors and housing associations
  • Work closely with new and existing commissioners to only develop housing where there is evidence of local need, and commissioner support
  • Review our current portfolio of schemes and identify those which are not best placed to meet people’s needs (both now and in future) and identify proactively where new alternatives can be sourced
  • We will review our existing land and assets and identify where these can be developed for the purpose of providing new accommodation services
  • Ensure continuous improvement to our processes and approaches for referral generation and void management

Key measures:

  • 20% increase in the number of units of accommodation delivered both directly owned and managed (baseline at April 2020 of 536) by 2024
  • Void units (where Making Space has nomination rights) at < 5% (on mature schemes only)

Aim 2: Shaping our destiny

We will put wellbeing at the heart of health and social care by designing a service offer which is truly customer-focussed, and enables Making Space to better control its own destiny.

We recognise that diversifying our income streams reduces risks and enhances resilience. Competition for tendered adult social care and health services is intense and resource-consuming, and results in on-going contract capture. There is still unmet need, especially for the older beneficiary group population, and insufficient modern supply. We want to be brave and to invest our reserves in order to continue to deliver good quality accommodation based care.

We will:

  • Take our time to reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on the social care landscape – reflecting on issues such as demand, competition and operational delivery risks. We will consider delivery types such as extra care (mixed tenure e.g. owner/occupier), residential and nursing care
  • Create a multi-departmental project board to oversee this review phase
  • Continue to invest in our fundraising team, where both restricted and unrestricted income generation enables continued innovation and added value

Key measures:

  • Income will be generated from a greater range of sources
  • Surplus agreed at annual budget setting will be achieved to invest into new developments

Aim 3: Investing to grow

We will expand the scale of our learning disability service delivery so we can deliver better services to more beneficiaries. We believe that people with learning disabilities and additional needs deserve the best possible quality services, and that we can deliver them.

The need for services is strong, especially for young people in transition to adult services, and for adults living with ageing parents, highlighted as the national policy driver of Transforming Care. We have existing learning disability services we wish to retain, and want to provide a suitably specific offer.

We will:

  • Complete a review of best practice within learning disability services and agree a plan to improve our investment in training, specialist accreditation, practice-led frameworks and assistive and information technologies
  • Specifically focus our energies on levering accommodation developments to increase our profile in the market
  • Prioritise the submission of tenders where commissioners are actively seeking providers who can deliver both care and accommodation solutions, especially where this can help us to enter the higher acuity market

Key measures:

  • The development of one new service scheme in each region agreed and in development by June 2021
  • Each region to have one learning disability scheme in operation by 31 March 2024

Aim 4: Learning from the best practice

We will ensure that any new services and projects embarked upon combine the best practice and evidence.

We will deliver services which are designed for the future and we believe that there is a need for services, particularly for our older beneficiary group, that are currently largely unmet by the existing provision.

We want to develop new services that will serve Making Space well, both now and in the future, and enhance our reputation for quality and innovation.

We will:

  • Review the best of what is available in the UK, and around the world. We will undertake a period of research, mapping out service models for the older people beneficiary group, which will inform our service project planning
  • Develop a strong brand and identity to raise our profile as a leading national provider
  • Review our current residential/nursing portfolio of services in order to determine the longer-term opportunities to support more people through transformation/re-development work

Key measures:

  • Number of opportunities identified and risk assessed for investment

How the care designed for the future
pillar aligns to our values...

Using assistive technology as a substitute for traditional staffing models.

We are ready to respond to the unique needs of people as they arise and providing solutions for them.

How the care designed for the future
pillar supports our other strategic pillars...

Co-produced services

All services will be co-produced with the people we support, their families and multi-disciplinary teams to ensure they are bespoke to their needs and aspirations.

A dedicated and committed workforce

Autonomous teams with values aligned to ours are recruited and trained to deliver person-centred care.

Digital capability

Digital capability will be key to ensuring we are achieving outcome focused care and support.

View our other pillars...

Co-Produced Services
Digital Capability
A Dedicated and Committed Workforce