Making it happen: aims and key measures
Together with the people we support we will determine which elements of Making it Real matter the most to people who use our services, and incorporate these into our practice. Making it Real is a nationally recognised co-production leader:
We will co-produce annual experience surveys with people who use our services, to increase ownership and level of response. In addition we will co-produce outcomes and actions with the Making Change Group, and feed back to all services.
Key measures:
Making Change members will lead on key co-production projects across the organisation, and will determine how to develop each project. The group will design a programme of activity to review our strategic pillars and to co-design the co-production key performance indicators.
Key measures:
We will increase the number of people who use our services in the recruitment of new staff and improve the experience people have from engaging in this practice.
In order to achieve this we will co-produce the recruitment programme with the Making Change Group and our HR Recruitment team.
Key measures:
We will co-produce a national conference/event with people who use our services, volunteers, and Marketing team. We will co-ordinate a successful volunteer programme to support the event.
Key measures:
We will share good practice with services relating to volunteering to build confidence of employees and people that use services in working alongside volunteers. We will gather feedback from volunteers about their experience, ensuring they know how to make a comment/complaint.
We will use feedback to make continual improvements to our Volunteer Framework, building people’s skills by working with volunteers and sharing good practice, including how people’s feedback has been used to make a difference.
We will evolve the current volunteer roles at services by working in partnership with the people we support and our colleagues to identify volunteer roles that are more specific to the service and for people we support. In addition to involvement in recruitment and selection this could include involvement in tender interviews, joining the digital champions’ team of Project Shine or reviewing service performance plans.
We will have a regular targeted volunteer recruitment campaign focussed upon matching volunteers’ skills and interests with the people we support.
Key measures:
Actively listening to and understanding the experiences of the people we support means that we further embed a culture where we support, share and learn together.
Our approach recognises the unique contribution, value and life experiences of everyone we support and is fundamental in influencing and enabling people to fulfil opportunities.
Invigorating and inspiring the people we support to be self-assured in having the best life possible.
Shifting power to the people we support rejuvenates the way we provide support and enables us to champion new approaches.
We are actively learning and displaying that we are responsive to change, as we are enabling the people we support to lead the way.
Co-production will be the apparatus to introduce personalised and tailor-made assistive technology and digital solutions which are unique to the people we support. It will also allow us to be committed to enhancing opportunities and outcomes for greater independence, control and fulfilment.
The people we support will fundamentally expect our workforce to be recruited to what they value in a person, influencing how we will coach our organisation to be person led. The people we support will actively engage with the learning and development of our colleagues, acting as experts by experience, learning together to make a positive difference.
People we support are at the heart of any services and systems we introduce. The views and aspirations of the people we support are our catalyst for continuous improvement and innovation.
The voice of the people supported is encouraged and evidenced in decision-making. We will enable the people we support, through learning and support, to have an active voice and encourage them to influence change in Making Space and on the national policy stage.