We recognise our vision will be achieved by attracting, developing and supporting exceptional people who are passionate, skilled and caring.
Our sector faces unprecedented change and significant workforce challenges, including: an ageing population contributing towards a 60% increase in adult social care jobs by 2030, low pay levels, recruitment challenges, high turnover, nursing and registered manager shortages, and the appeal of working in other sectors.
To successfully support the delivery of our overall business strategy and be highly responsive to the sector workforce challenges, we must clearly establish our individual identity and position as a values-based employer with a transformational and team-based culture that attracts and retains highly motivated people that have the best skills and values. We need excellent leaders who champion our culture, live our values and facilitate high performance.
Over the past year we have carefully considered the organisational strategy and context, the culture, along with the current and future needs of the workforce. This has included engaging directly with our staff through listening events, the engagement survey, obtaining feedback from the people we support and through an Investors in People (IiP) Assessment.
We know from our 2017 ACAS employee engagement survey and our 2018 IiP assessment that Making Space is a special place to work, where there is a real heart-felt desire and determination to provide the very best care and support to the people who use our services. We understand that we have such an amazing opportunity to positively affect the lives of so many people. This strategic pillar sets out how we will continue to invest in our people to provide quality person-centred and outcome-focussed services whilst meeting our ambition to be a leader.