Increase digital capacity in service design
% of actual services with Nourish Electronic Care Plans implemented against planned target
CQC compliance in top quartile
% of services rated as good or above
Service utilisation compared to contract requirements
% actual vs. planned hours delivered
Active involvement in design and delivery of services
% of services that have a Making it Real Plan in place
Varied choice of volunteering roles in our services
% of services with volunteering roles, actual vs. planned
Service satisfaction audits
% of services with feedback mechanisms in place for the people we support
Employee vacancy rates
Measuring on industry performance of 7.3%, as reported by Skills for Care in 2020
Employee turnover %
Measuring on industry performance of 30.4%, as reported by Skills for Care in 2020
Operational workforce with a level 2 qualification
Measuring on industry performance of 48%, as reported by Skills for Care in 2020
Actual total surplus vs. budgeted surplus
Agreed annual budget
Annual growth in income whilst generating a reasonable surplus
Year-to-date income is higher than prior year income for the same period
Actual reserves vs. policiy target
A target level of reserves set by the reserves policy